This adult helps plan and carry out the pack program with the help of the pack committee. He or she emcees the monthly pack meeting and attends pack committee meetings Is one of the Cub Scout Pack Key 3 leadership positions.
Qualifications: Be a U.S. citizen at least 21 years of age, of good moral character and interested in working with boys. Need not be an expert in all Cub Scout activities but should be a leader who is able to deal with adults as well as boys. Should be able to delegate responsibilities; set a good example by behavior, attitude, and uniform; and believe in the values and principles of Cub Scouting. Preferably a member of the chartered organization. Recruited and appointed by the pack committee with the approval of the chartered organization, and registered as an adult leader of the BSA.
The Cubmaster's main responsibilities are to:
- Conducting the Pack program which includes leading the monthly Pack meeting, with the help of the other leaders.
- Guiding, supporting, motivating, and giving inspiration to the other adult leaders.
- Making sure leaders receive training for their positions.
- Making sure the Dens are functioning well.
- Planning the Den and Pack programs with the help of the other leaders.
- Coordinating the total Cub Scout program for the Pack.
- Helping recruit Den Leaders and Coaches.
- Establishing and maintaining good relationships with area Boy Scout Troops, to help Webelos continue into Boy Scouting as they graduate from the Pack.